Our uniform policy reflects our values and reinforces our school’s culture of high expectations and academic achievement. All pupils must dress according to the uniform policy. Our school uniform is important to us. It is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school community and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life. It promotes harmony between different groups represented in the school, and it enhances security.
We ask parents and carers to support all decisions by school staff regarding whether or not clothing is appropriate or inappropriate for school.
Uniform requirements

Purchasing school uniform
All of our school uniform items can be ordered online or in store at School Uniform Direct:
All uniform items that are not compulsory to be branded can be purchased on the high street from a number of different retailers.
Second-hand Uniform
We appreciate the value of supporting one another in adhering to this policy and ensuring pupils are equipped with the resources they need to attend and thrive as a part of the school community. If you have any unwanted items of uniform, please donate these to the school office to be used again. We will always endeavour to pass these items on to someone who may need them, or alternatively, to keep them at school as spare uniform for pupils.
Please ask at the school office if you would like to up the opportunity to acquire any second-hand items of uniform. We will endeavour to provide these at the time of enquiring, or to source items where possible.
Outdoor Clothing
Children should bring a coat to school each day, apart from during the hotter weather. Any outdoor clothing should be worn on top of the academy uniform, not underneath or as an alternative. Coats, hats, scarves, and gloves should be worn when weather appropriate. Smart, showerproof, jacket-style coats will be available from School Uniform Direct over the academic year. Hats and scarves will also be available in the school colours.
Bags & Belongings
A bookbag with the Ark John Archer logo is recommended for carrying books, homework, letters and other materials to/from school. A PE bag with John Archer logo is also available for carrying PE kit to/from school.
- Pupils must wear closed-toed, hard-soled, all black plain shoes with a flat sole.
- Footwear with flashing lights or wheels are not appropriate for school.
- Boots are not allowed, unless during an extremely cold period where they can be worn to/from school. Children will be asked to change once in school.
- All black or all white closed-toed sandals may be worn as part of the summer uniform only.
- Open-toed sandals should not be worn, even in the Summer Term.
Hats, Headscarves or Headwear
Ark John Archer is a diverse community. We recognise that different cultures prescribe different levels of importance to hairstyles and headwear. The academy’s approach is designed to recognise this, whilst ensuring that there are clear boundaries, and a professional ethos in the academy. Pupils are allowed to wear hats, headscarves, or any other head covering inside the school building if it is for religious or cultural reasons. Any head covering worn for religious or cultural values or any hair accessories that are worn should be simple and in school colours (Ark John Archer burgundy or grey). A school cap / knitted hat with John Archer logo will be available for both summer and winter outdoor wear.
Pupils’ hair should always be groomed and neat for appearance. If your child has long hair then please ensure that it is tied back, especially on PE days, for health and safety purposes. Pupils may not wear designs or words cut into their hair or eyebrows. Pupils may not have lines shaved into their hair or permanent/temporary coloured hair. If pupils are unsure whether a hairstyle meets the academy policy they should check in advance with the school.
Fingernail Polish or Make-Up
Pupils are not allowed to wear fingernail polish or false nails. Make-up is not allowed.
Pupils may wear a watch to school; we encourage a simple watch that has no sound effects or games. If your child has pierced ears then please ensure they wear stud earrings, worn in the lower ear lobe. Parents are strongly encouraged to remove earrings on swimming days. Please note that the school will be unable to take any responsibility for any watches or jewellery that are lost.
Body Piercing & Tattoos
Body piercing is prohibited, with the exception of single, standard ear piercing. No other forms of body piercing will be allowed for any pupil. We discourage transfer tattoos of any kind on their body.
Lost property
VERY IMPORTANT – Please ensure all clothing and property is clearly marked so that lost articles may be easily traced and returned. Please be reminded that the majority of uniform items look the same and can often not be traced to the owner without a name tag. The school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage of pupils’ property and valuables.
All mislaid items are placed in the school lost property. Please ask the school office if you wish to look for a specific item. We endeavour to return all named property. All unclaimed lost property is disposed of at the end of term, given to a local children’s charity or washed and used for replacement uniform within school.